Hiking Trails

Martimoaava’s hiking trail consists of three shorter hiking trails and two longer hiking and skiing trails. Along the routes, there are several campfire sites, wildersness huts and shelters, which can be used for trips of several days.

Marked hiking trails

More detailed map information for the routes can be found on the Retkikartta.fi map service. Tracks are maintained by Metsähallitus.

1km Accessible trail

Accessible trail from Hangassalmenaho to the edge of Järviaapa. The track is partly gravelled and part of the route consists of a accessible duck boards

2km Keski-Penikka observation tower trail

Demanding but short track to the Keski-Penikka’s observation tower. The beginning of the trail is easy-to-walk road and the last 0.5 km of the trail is a narrow, rocky path.

3km Nature Trail

For children with a fairy-tale theme. The route is well-suited for beginner hikers.

9km Järviaapa Trail

Encircles the Järviaapa area. Most of the track consist of duck boards.

12km Martimoaapa Hiking Trail

Passes through the Martimoaapa Mire Reserve. Along the trail, there are duck boards and wide swamps, as well as forest.

36km Lautiosaari–Puukkokumpu Skiing Trail

Cross-country Skiing trail from Kemi to Martimoaapa. Lautiosaari-Puukkokumpu skiing track passes through the western part of Martimoaapa.

Snowmobile Track

Snowmobile track passes through the north part of Martimoaapa. The track passes through the north part of Martimoaapa.